Monday, February 25, 2008

Just Scraping By

If I had a nickel for everyone that told me that they aren’t interested in a Reverse Mortgage because they are “doing fine” or “just scraping by” I would be on a beach somewhere enjoying a cool drink!

Whenever I hear those three words, I take a moment and try to imagine what my retirement will look like. Will I be happy in my retirement years – just scraping by? Is that really why I am working so hard to raise my money and hopefully put a little away so in my retirement I can just “scrape by”?

What happened to the “Golden Years”? What happen to enjoying retirement? What happened to all that money that I worked so hard for over the last 40 years? I paid off my house, raised my family and they had nice things now I finally have the time to do all the things I put off so I could take care of my family…but I can’t because I am “just scraping by”.

What a sad state of affairs – is this what our seniors have come to expect – scrape by all your life taking care of your family and then retire! Oh and continue to “just scrape by”.

What I offer isn’t for everyone, but it is a tool to help people enjoy their retirement. It is an option to allow you to enjoy your “Golden Years”. But we all know that ignorance is bliss – but not exploring your options and “just scraping by” doesn’t sound to blissful.

I actually heard that the money one mother gets from her Birthday, Mothers Day and Christmas takes care of her – either she gets a lot in those cards or she can get by on barely anything (I want her Christmas list). She is just scraping by!

Well the information is free, the education costs nothing – but ignorance can be very costly.

Oh and if you enjoy the “challenge” of “just scraping by” – then it would be a waste of time to get together – but if you want more out of life than to “just scrape by”, maybe if might be worthwhile to talk!

Reverse Mortgage Man

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